Employee Assessment Records

Ensure your employee assessment records are safe and Digitize easily

  • Records your employee assessment, exam, audit, and also On job Assessment/competence and ability, knowledge of the product and work, and machine sop as well.
  • Skill metrics can be configured as per company standards and as per their work methods, remarks, rating, etc.
schedule your LIVE Demo for employee assessment

Schedule your LIVE Demo for employee assessment.

Employee Assessment Types


Multiple Choice Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

Random Questions reduce the risk of Cheating. Adding Images can improve their understanding.

Point & Click

Use images for the assessment. This could be a picture of a product or a schematic of your building. Employees simply click on the relevant area of the image based on the questions asked.


Allows employees to rate their own proficiency for skills, competencies, or values. This is then controlled by line managers or concerning people.

Short Answer Questions

Employees submit their answers online, which are then marked by moderator

self assessment
line manager assessment

Line-manager assessment

Record and comment on the outcomes of practical or on-the-job assessments.

On-the-Job Training

Capture this widely used and effective way of training.

Practical Assessment

Capture evidence of practical ability, e.g., a task.


Assess and provide feedback on a range of skills, e.g., management and/or leadership competencies.

practical assessment
set your limit for Information Capture

Set your limit for Information Capture

When an assessment is conducted, skill metrics create a record for each activity. Skill metrics also store a detail such as:
  • Date & conclusion (their score or result)
  • The required level of competency (e.g., goals)
  • Location and details of training with a trainer (internal or external)
  • Time period and cost (multiple currencies supported)
  • Certification and proof documents

Detailed and Accessible Information

Each person’s assessment history is easy to view with their training record, or through the powerful reporting tools:
  •  Ensure people are well-trained and have practical knowledge for the required level of proficiency.
  • View skills to identify evidence of competence or non-competence or training needs.
  • Identify where retraining/re-assessment is pending or is now overdue.
  • Calculate costs and time invested in training and assessment activities.
Detailed and accessible information

Why Skillmetrics?



Your Security, Built
into Skillmetrics

Skillmetrics provides 100 % Security Assurance
Skillmetrics Protect your Valuable Data From Threats And Attacks
Ensure your Data is safe With Skill metrics As Per your Company Norms.
cross platform


Your Security, Built
into Skillmetrics

Skillmetrics is compatible with multiple platforms such as desktop, laptop, mobile, etc.
Easily compatible with computers, Smartphones, and Tablets, a Nice and clean User Interface Supports All versions of Android and iOS.

best performance

Best performance

Your Security, Built
into Skillmetrics

Skillmetrics is the best platform For Managing your skill matrix and Competency management
Enhance your Performance Culture through Easy use Platform
Tools Like Skill metrics, Training Records, Assessment, Reporting, Dashboards, And Radars make Your Work Easy

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